Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Fall!

I have been a terrible blogger the last little while.  Because of this I plan to touch on just the highlights of the last couple of months to catch you up on the life of the Stout Girls.

1. Friends: I had the chance to see several good friends in September. I went to a couple of
baby showers and What a Woman Wants at the expo center.  Such fun!

2. The Utah State Fair: Food, shopping, fun :-)

3. Tooth vs shopping cart= unexpected trip to the dentist:  The big event in September took place at Walmart when a shopping cart tried to take out Kensie's tooth. I had just finished paying and Kensie was a couple feet in front of me walking forward.  Just as I decided to start pushing the cart Kensie turned around and we ran right into each other.  The edge of the cart was lined up with her mouth and it knocked her front left tooth back into her mouth so it was pointing inward and not down!  I popped it back into place but it was very loose.  A trip to the dentist showed that the root and tooth were not cracked and we were instructed to only eat soup and soft food for awhile.  The gum has tightened up around her gums a little but it is still a little loose.  The dentist told me a similar story of his own daughter, they were able to save the tooth for about 8 months and then had to take it out.  I hope it will be ok, but at least it is just a baby tooth.  Who knows, maybe she will just be toothless for a couple of years until her adult tooth comes in.
McKensie's dazzling smile, still intact... hopefully it will stay that way:

So here is the best part:  Kensie was in tears just because she had to go to the dentist.  But they gave her ice cream and a toy so when we left she was grinning from ear to ear.  As we were driving home she told me to crash into the car in front of us just so she could get another loose tooth and go back to the dentist!  A little while later when I was explaining to her that she could only eat soft foods for awhile, she teared up and said, "You mean I can't eat broccoli???"

1.  The Birthday Girl!  

McKensie turned four in October.  It is amazing how fast time flies, I can't believe she is FOUR!!!
My master piece... yum!

2. Wheeler Farm:

3. Halloween: This Halloween was exceptionally fine :-)  We went to a Draper City Halloween event and a family party.  Kensie even went to a couple of trunk or treat ward parties with Grandparents. Good times. 

The "Cat Witch"
Our Fabulous pumpkins.  Look at my dragon... Oh ya...
Preschool Parade/Performance

1 comment:

  1. :) I love this. I love you! :) You guys are adorable! I hope things are going so well Biffy! You're amazing!
