Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Emily Elizabeth Stout

Lets start at the beginning.  To all my friends who were following my old blog I am sure I left you in suspense.  The last time I posted was in November 2009, I told the wonderful news that I was pregnant with a little girl but that I was having a difficult pregnancy and on bed rest.  I had little Emily Elizabeth when she was only 21 weeks old, she lived for about nine minutes and then passed away.  I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to be Emily's mom, even though it was for such a brief time. I know that I will be with her again one day.

In Loving Memory of Emily Elizabeth
15 oz, 10 in


  1. Such sweet pictures. Isn't it amazing how perfect she 21 weeks? Thanks for sharing.

  2. She is beautiful! I am so very glad that we know you'll get to raise her someday! She's your forever!

  3. oh I am bawling! I love you so much! thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you for passing on your new blog location. Thanks you for being such a great example of strength!
