Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy Thoughts

Here are a few of mine:

1. "August Rush":

This movie is my newly discovered obsession.  I LOVE IT!!! Okay, so it is for hopeless romantics and is highly predictable, but who cares! Just think of modern day Oliver Twist mixed with musical orphans... and that is the show, mingled with a little romance.  You can call me crazy if you want, but it is such a good show!

 2. The Witch in my daughters bedroom:
Earlier in the month my daughter woke up in the middle of the night and came into my room wide awake.  I escorted her back to bed while she was telling me how there was a TV in her room (and she pointed out where) that disappeared.  She fell back asleep eventually and ever since then she has talked about the disappearing TV and a witch that was in her room that night who tucked her into bed.  I never hear about Kensie's dreams so hearing about this has been highly entertaining.  She did tell me however that the Witch is a "scary witch" and unfortunately she is now scared of the witch in her room.  So now she is not only scared of the dark, but also of a mysterious witch.  (Note: my daughter in fact has never had a TV in her room).
You may ask, "how is your child being scared a happy thought"?  It reminds me of childhood.  As a kid I was terrified of the witch that lived under my bed.  My parents would go to elaborate extremes to convince me she was not there by checking under the bed before I went to sleep.  But I knew she was there.  She was terrifying and if I woke in the middle of the night needing to go to the bathroom it would take what seemed like forever to gain enough courage to leap off the bed and land as far away from it as possible so she could not get me.  The hardest part was figuring out how to get back on the bed.  Oh childhood memories, they make me smile.

3. Jillian Michaels: Buff Biff (ok, not really but I am working on it!)

One of my New Years resolutions, just like everyone else, is to work out.  Can I get anymore original? Anyway, people always mistake me for someone who is really in shape.  I would like to correct this very misguided assumption.  There is a big difference between being thin, and being in shape.  At least in my case there is.  I will admit that I am blessed with a very good metabolism, and the second key to my slender appearance is stress.  Some people gain weight when they are stressed, I loose it.  I am here to confess that I am in terrible shape and I have horrible eating habits.  Hence the new goal.  How do I plan to get in shape?  Well, as a mother it is a tough one.  I could join a gym with a daycare, but that can get expensive (but I have not completely ruled it out).  For now however, I have decided to work out with awesome videos at home.  Laugh all you want, but I am loving it! Currently I am working out with Jill, you may know her from "The Biggest Looser".  The video is called "30 Day Shred".  So far I have done it 12 out of 14 days, and I am already feeling "shredded".  There are 3 workouts on different levels.  I am not as in bad of shape as I thought I was but muscle wise, I am a wimp.  I had to stay on level one for awhile even though the cardio was too simple just to give my muscles a chance to catch up. I am a weakling. That is all.

4. New Years Resolutions: Where to begin! I have many besides just working out, but I won't bore you to death...

5. Wasabi peas: Yum!

6. Sleep:  As pathetic as it sounds, sleep makes the top of my happy thoughts list.  I have a confession- I push my self too far.  I average staying up 24-48 hours at least twice a week.  Not good, and you probably want to stay off the road when I am driving.  I work 3 nights a week, 7am-7pm and often I don't sleep before AND sometimes after a shift.  Scary, I know.  I am always so exhausted that just the thought of sleep makes me happy.  I have been doing this for almost a year and it is starting to take it's toll on me. I have decided that I am probably going to go prematurely gray and die five years earlier because of the stress I have put my body through. SO, big changes are ahead.  I have decided to change my schedule so I don't work as many nights starting in February.  Alright, it isn't a huge change but I will now work 2 night shifts a week instead of 3.  If anyone wants to play, let me know.  I have most Friday and Saturday nights off! Except for the ones that I am spending with my daughter...   :-)

7.  Lasik eye surgery:

Ok, not on the agenda anytime soon but I can dream can't I?!  Legally blind is 20/400, and I am 20/800. I am literally blind as a bat.

8. My Christmas Present:

For Christmas my mom asked Kensie what she wanted to get me for a present.  Kensie replied to her by simply saying, "Mommy needs a new Teddy Bear!" she also told my mom that it needed to be pink.  So my mom took her to Build a Bear where she created this adorable bear that screams "Kensie".  It is pink, has a pink ballet dress, glass slippers, pink bows around the ears and pink Hello Kitty underwear that completes the ensemble.  It is all girl, just like Kensie.  I love it.

9. Blind date:  When your Bishop calls you into his office during church one Sunday and tells you he wants to set you up on a blind date, would you take this as a sign that you should be dating more?

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."     -Mark Twain


  1. LOVE YOU! love it.. I would love to hear all you new year resolutions.. and I had a monster under my bed... ahhh yes.. the memories!

  2. I love your bloggy blog. And your happies make me happy. :-) And maybe there really IS a witch under Kensie's bed. Maybe it follows little girls in our family.. ha ha. Let's name her Witchy.

  3. Sweet, we've had August Rush for a year and I still haven't watched it. Probably should... someday.

    Toby's new thing is that he's scared of "the bear." He doesn't actually say he's scared, but he starts going "there's no bear, the bear's not gonna eat you," etc. When this first started we were like what the HECK? It's not like we tell him BEAR ATTACK stories. He LOVES to watch Little Bear. I still don't get it, but whatever, it's his thing. He's scared of "the bear." Which lives upstairs. Whatever.

    When I was a kid, I was terrified of the abominable snowman (you know the one in the old old Rudolph movie? yeah. cue nightmares for years.)

    I'm probably going to get a gym membership, for the day care and the awesomeness, and also some gyms offer "Mommy and Me" type classes. Which I am all over.

    Yes, you need to sleep more. I need to watch your kid more.

    I checked out LASIK last year, and I don't know if it's because of the blindness, but they said they couldn't actually do LASIK. They have to do something called PRK. PKR? Something. You might want to look into that. I might also be making this whole thing up. You never know with me.

    We need to hang out.
